Transmission planning involves formulating strategies to develop and improve the transmission system to support anticipated load growth and resource requirements. As part of the planning process, we see alternatives which efficiently utilize the transmission system based on a best-cost basis considering short and long-term system needs, while balancing societal and environmental concerns, as well operational and maintenance requirements. In addition, we are required to demonstrate compliance by having plans to keep the transmission system within its reliability limits for selected demand levels for the next one to ten years.
We operate our transmission system on a non-discriminatory basis under the open access requirements of the federal government. All wholesale buyers and sellers of electricity can use our transmission system under the same terms and conditions used to serve Xcel Energy’s own retail customers.
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires electric utilities such as Xcel Energy to submit annual 10-year plans for additional electric transmission projects in Colorado. Included in this rule (known as CPUC Rule 3627) is a requirement that utilities provide government agencies and other shareholders with an opportunity for “meaningful participation” in the planning process.
Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Michigan
The State of Minnesota has adopted a biennial transmission planning process to ensure the integrity of the state’s electric transmission system.
Texas and New Mexico
When planning large-scale transmission projects, SPS holds one or more annual open planning meetings.
These planning meetings are for anyone interested, and SPS encourages SPS transmission customers to participate in both the SPS local planning process and the SPP STEP regional process.