Colorado Public Utilities Commission Rule 3627 

2021 Public Service Company of Colorado Stakeholder Outreach

In July 2021, Xcel Energy held stakeholder meetings for Colorado Rule 3627. You can review the presentation below.

View July 2021 Presentation (PDF)

Participate in the company's transmission planning process

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires electric utilities such as Xcel Energy to submit annual 10-year plans for additional electric transmission projects in Colorado. Included in this rule (known as CPUC Rule 3627) is a requirement that utilities provide government agencies and other stakeholders with an opportunity for "meaningful participation" in the planning process.

In February 2020, Xcel Energy submitted a 10-year transmission plan to the CPUC. As part of the 2020 CPUC Rule 3627 process, Xcel Energy held a webinar presenting the latest 10-year transmission plan to elicit input from interested stakeholders. Additional outreach included emails to stakeholders requesting feedback, information shared in open meetings of the Colorado Coordinated Planning Group and at the FERC 890 meetings the Company holds twice annually.

Rule 3627 requires Xcel Energy and other Commission-regulated utilities to provide government agencies and other stakeholders with an opportunity to participate in and comment on their electric transmission plans. The input received from stakeholders is evaluated by the utilities and addressed in their final transmission plans.

2019 Public Service Company of Colorado Stakeholder Outreach

In August and September, 2019 Xcel Energy held stakeholder meetings for the Colorado Rule 3627.

View August 2019 Presentation.

View September 2019 Presentation.

Current Colorado Rule 3627 Planning Documents

If you would like additional information about these meetings, please contact Connie Paoletti.

For information on Xcel Energy's FERC 890 meetings which are held twice annually, please visit the Oasis website.

CPUC Rule 3627 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is CPUC Rule 3627?

A: CPUC Rule 3627 is a measure adopted by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission that requires electric utilities to file 10-year plans for additional electric transmission projects in Colorado. Each utility’s plan, which is required to be filed every other year, must meet the following goals: the proposed projects do not negatively impact the system of any other transmission provider or the overall transmission system; the proposed projects avoid duplication of facilities; the proposed projects reflect the development of joint projects; the proposed projects are coordinated with other state providers. The rule also requires each utility to provide government agencies and other stakeholders with an opportunity for “meaningful participation” in the planning process.

Q: Why was CPUC Rule 3627 adopted?

A: The purpose of CPUC 3627 is to establish a process to coordinate the planning for additional electric transmission in Colorado which is conducted in a comprehensive, transparent, state-wide basis, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders. Further, this rule seeks to ensure that this process considers input from government agencies and stakeholders about “alternative solutions” to transmission planning issues.

Q: Who must comply with CPUC Rule 3627?

A: The public participation requirements of CPUC Rule 3627 apply to all electric utilities in the state of Colorado (including Xcel Energy) except for municipality owned utilities and certain cooperative electric associations.

Q: How will input received from stakeholders be used by Xcel Energy?

A: CPUC Rule 3627 requires Xcel Energy to evaluate the alternative solutions it receives during stakeholder outreach and to prepare recommendations for inclusion in its ten-year plan. Additionally, Xcel Energy is required to provide a summary of stakeholder participation and input in the plan. Xcel Energy must provide a summary of its recommendations to stakeholders, as well as provide those who participated in the planning process with filings related to the rule.

Q: What are alternative solutions?

A: Possible alternative solutions to the planned projects include termination points for electric transmission lines or other possible alternatives. Xcel Energy is also looking for input from stakeholders about environmental and societal concerns and any other issues they may have about electric transmission planning in Colorado. In addition, Xcel Energy is looking for input from stakeholders about plans they may have that could impact electric load projections. For example, information about land use plans in a community, planned renewable energy facilities in an Energy Resource Zone or a Generation Development Area, or significant expansion or contraction plans for a large energy user could be factors for evaluation in Xcel Energy’s 10-year plan.

Q: How will Xcel Energy involve stakeholders in transmission planning?

A: Xcel Energy is committed to an open, transparent and collaborative process for involving stakeholders in its transmission planning process. Information about future workshops will be posted on this website. View the Stakeholder comment form and process.

Past Colorado Rule 3627 Planning Documents