More than 20,000 miles of transmission line in 10 states

Our Capabilities

Transmission lines are a vital link to deliver electricity over long distances from power sources to transmission substations closer to homes and businesses. A strong transmission system will ensure continued reliable and affordable service; meet state and regional energy policy goals; and support a diverse generation mix, including renewable energy.

Xcel Energy is one of the fastest growing investor-owned transmission systems with more than 20,000 miles of transmission lines and more than 1,200 substations across 10 states, serving 22,000 megawatts of customer load. 

Operating in three NERC reliability regions (Midwest Reliability Organization, Southwest Power Pool, Western Electricity Coordinating Council), Xcel Energy has assets in two Regional Transmission Organizations (Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Southwest Power Pool). Xcel Energy has four operating companies, Northern States Power Company Minnesota, Northern States Power Company Wisconsin, Public Service Company of Colorado and Southwestern Public Service Company.

Xcel Energy is focused on modernizing our electric infrastructure to continue providing reliable, safe service at a competitive cost to customers. Xcel Energy knows what it takes to bring a project from planning to in-service at a reasonable price. Additionally, Xcel Energy has demonstrated success with collaborative multi-utility partnerships, like CapX2020, that are unique in the industry.